Tackling the Climate Emergency
Leading on urgent action to protect people and planet
Carla has consistently championed the rights of renters and worked to prevent homelessness in her roles as Green Party councillor, as the Green Party’s former Housing spokesperson, and as a member of the ACORN community union.
Believing in the right to warm, safe, affordable housing for all, she has continually advocated for measures such as rent controls and landlord licensing. Since 2016, Carla has urged the Mayor and Cabinet to expand landlord licensing across the city. In 2019 this call was heeded for a selection of wards near the city centre, and in 2023 the Council consulted on extending the scheme further. She has also supported the student rent strike during the covid pandemic, and committed to abolishing feudal leasehold forms of home ownership and replacing them with a system that offers people choice and control.
Carla has been vocal in her support and solidarity with the residents of Barton House, who were forced to evacuate their homes in Lawrence Hill in Bristol due to safety concerns. She joined growing calls for the council to pause the evacuated residents’ rent payments and called for an investigation into the handling of the incident.
This country needs public representatives with solutions that meet the challenge of the housing crisis. Carla is committed to measures which tackle the housing shortage while simultaneously protecting valuable green space for communities, reducing climate emissions, tackling fuel poverty and providing genuinely affordable homes.